Are you struggling to retain high performers?

Are you struggling to retain high performers?

According to Gallup, replacing an individual employee can cost the employer one-half to two times the person’s annual salary.  Everywhere we look, organizations are struggling to hire or retain high performing employees. With the talent shortage, high performers have...

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Blog Archive

Why should emerging leaders partner with a coach?

Why should emerging leaders partner with a coach?

HR & Talent Leaders, do you have an established leadership development program you routinely guide emerging leaders through? If so, have you considered the power of providing coaching for the highest potentials as part of this leadership development program? If...

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Is your team functioning as a team or as a working group?

Is your team functioning as a team or as a working group?

I invite you to take a moment to reflect on the current dynamics of your team and to consider this scenario. For those of you who know me well, you know that I am a sports fan and find inspiration from the lessons athletes learn and the characteristics they need to...

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What legacy are you leaving?

What legacy are you leaving?

What is the LEGACY you hope to leave from your life? If you’re like me, that question may prompt you to take a significant pause so you can reflect before responding. There are many ways we can evaluate this. Relationships Career Family Faith Making a positive impact...

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The Power of Finding Resonance

The Power of Finding Resonance

I still remember the day I first realized the true power of individual coaching. At that point in my career, I had begun making my transition to Organizational Development, but I had not been exposed to coaching yet. I was in the process of pursuing my certificate in...

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What fulfills you most at work?

What fulfills you most at work?

This image represents a word cloud that describes some of the typical characteristics of a MBTI type when at their best. I will never forget the Summer of 2004 when I began my second internship at an iconic manufacturing company. I was incredibly excited to be back at...

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Do you lead a highly effective team?

Do you lead a highly effective team?

The holidays are now behind us and it is time to hit the ground running again toward our new annual goals. As a leader, you have most likely just finished conducting year-end reviews with your employees and have a fresh perspective on the strengths and opportunities...

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